Camp Hardy, Company 1524, SP-2

Camp Hardy was occupied by CCC Company 1524 in May of 1935 which had transferred to Hardy County from Leadmine (Tucker County) that month. The CCC Company  continued at the Mathias location until  late 1940. The camp, SP-2 (State Park-2) was located in picturesque Howards Lick Run.  The enrollees of this camp built Lost River State Park, its buildings, picnic facilities, trails, bridges and other facilities at the park. The enrollees also did many more things in community service for the neighboring townspeople.

The photos show location and situation of barracks buildings. These pictures and other museum memorabilia were graciously donated to the CCC Camp Museum at Quiet Dell by Clifford Starr, Carl LeMaster and  Raymond Daugherty, former enrollees; Mrs. Oscar Cunningham, widow of a former CCC member of Co 1524 and Robert Bland Jr. On behalf of his father, Robert  Sr. who also helped build bridges and other structures at the  park, still in use today. 
For a related story, click the title of the recent article on Camp Hardy entitled "Remembering The Good Times."  Close the window to return to this page.

Some photos below are unidentified.  If you know who these people are, please notify the site manager from the Home Page.

Some photos courtesy of Edward and Carol Westfall and Martin Davis.

Note:  Clicking on an image opens a new window.  Close window to return here.

Main gate of Camp Hardy.

Wide angle shot of Camp Hardy.

Wide angle shot of Camp Hardy when only tents were available.

View of Camp Hardy after the barracks were built.
View of Camp Hardy after the barracks were built.

Camp Hardy in Winter
Camp Hardy in Winter

Camp Hardy in the trees.

Camp Hardy in the trees.

Camp Hardy barracks.
Camp Hardy barracks

The Mess Hall.

Camp Hardy Mess Hall.

Headquarters staff (unknown.)
Camp Hardy Headquarters staff (unknown.)

Cecil Austin McGrew and fellow "Boys"
Cecil Austin McGrew and fellow "Boys"

Army officer (unknown.)
Army officer (unknown.)

Charles Pritchert, Ernest McKinney and Ira "Dutch" Clower.
Charles Pritchert, Ernest McKinney and Ira "Dutch" Clower.

Doyle Westfall of Camp Hardy on his grader in the CCC from around 1936. Graders were used in many heavy construction jobs such as clearing right-of-ways and road-construction, building sites and access to recreational areas.

Like many other CCC "Boys", he would use these job skills learned in the 3Cs to provide a meaningful occupation later in life. Many grader operators served as sea bees in World war ll.

Donated to the WVA CCC Camp Museum by Nancy Powell, Director of the Lost River Museum and Doyle's relative, Mr. C. Westfall.

Doyle Westfall on grader

Unknown enrollee.
Unknown enrollee at Camp Hardy.

Unknown enrollee.
Unknown enrollee at Camp Hardy.

under construction at Lost River State Park.

Cabin under construction at Lost River State Park

Photo from the Mike Parnicza Family CCC Album.  Mike was far ahead of many of his contemporaries when he put together his personal photo record of the Lost River CCC Camp SP2, Company 1524, Circa 1939.

Photo from Mike Parnicza CCC Photo Album: unidentified CCC guys on work detail at Lost River Camp, near Mathias, West Virginia. Circa 1939.

Boys cooking.
Doyle Westfall stirring food in skillet.

Doyle Westfall, bottom right, with friend on top of cement mixer.

Photo from Mike Parnicza CCC Photo Album:
Mike Parnicza (2nd from right standing) and buddies relaxing after a full day's work.
Maike Parnicza and CCC Buddies

Camp Hardy Group Picture: June 10, 1935 - left side. James Landon Davis is in the second row
 just to the left of the men dressed in white.

Group photo - left side.

Camp Hardy Group Picture: June 10, 1935 - right side.
Group photo - right side.

J. Martin.

Staff:  Civilian (LEM?) and two army officers.


Camp Hardy Headquarters.

Mess Hall.

Inside Mess Hall.

Lost River State Park Headquarters.

Recreation Hall.

Camp view.

Lee White Sulphur Springs.

Howard's Lick Bridge.

Camp Hardy Boys relaxing, 1938.  Photo courtesy of Parnicza Family Collection.

Camp Hardy Boys relaxing, 1938